
楼主 # 2022-12-11 21:43:43

注册时间: 2022-12-11
已发帖子: 3
积分: 3

F1C200S ILI9341驱动移植后每隔一段时间报错

[   76.400003] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c4000000
[   76.410644] pgd = b12b71ea
[   76.414521] [c4000000] *pgd=00000000
[   76.419283] Internal error: Oops: 5 [#1] ARM
[   76.425835] Modules linked in:
[   76.430065] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper Not tainted 5.7.1 #12
[   76.438074] Hardware name: Allwinner suniv Family
[   76.445061] PC is at sun6i_spi_handler+0x110/0x150
[   76.452141] LR is at 0xc4000001
[   76.456438] pc : [<c04be0cc>]    lr : [<c4000001>]    psr: a0000093
[   76.464961] sp : c0b01e70  ip : c4857014  fp : c08fc1b0
[   76.472442] r10: c0b34c56  r9 : c3810b00  r8 : 0000001b
[   76.479955] r7 : c4857200  r6 : 00000fff  r5 : 00000c13  r4 : 00000014
[   76.488777] r3 : c4857000  r2 : c4000000  r1 : c3a0d360  r0 : ffb81420
[   76.497597] Flags: NzCv  IRQs off  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  ISA ARM  Segment none
[   76.508229] Control: 0005317f  Table: 83278000  DAC: 00000051
[   76.516297] Process swapper (pid: 0, stack limit = 0x730630a2)
[   76.524444] Stack: (0xc0b01e70 to 0xc0b02000)
[   76.531137] 1e60:                                     c39c6e80 c0b17af0 00000000 c0b01eb8
[   76.542795] 1e80: 0000001b c014c07c c0a26a2c c0416938 c0b2c960 c0b03228 c0b17af0 c3810b00
[   76.554482] 1ea0: 00000001 c3806200 c0b00000 c0b03228 c0a26a2c c014c198 00000000 90e48505
[   76.566181] 1ec0: c3810b00 c0b17af0 00000000 c014c214 c3810b00 c014f9a0 0000001b c0b17a38
[   76.577905] 1ee0: 00000000 c014b4bc 0000001b c014ba4c c0b6bf8c c0b01f18 ffffffff c0b01f4c
[   76.589634] 1f00: c0b2ab90 c03a3a4c c01085d4 60000013 ffffffff c0101208 00000000 0005317f
[   76.601351] 1f20: 0005217f 60000013 00000000 ffffe000 c0b03288 00000000 c0b2ab90 c0b032ac
[   76.613071] 1f40: c0b03228 c0a26a2c 600000d3 c0b01f68 c01085dc c01085d4 60000013 ffffffff
[   76.624791] 1f60: 00000053 00000000 00000000 c013a488 c0b03220 c0b39de0 c0a26a2c 90e48505
[   76.636523] 1f80: c0b39da0 c0b39da0 c0b03228 c0b03220 c0b39de0 c0a26a2c 00000000 c0b39da0
[   76.648288] 1fa0: c0a26a2c c013a81c c0b39da0 c0a00d18 ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 c0a0059c
[   76.660089] 1fc0: 00000000 c0a26a2c 90e18204 00000000 00000000 c0a00330 00000053 00003135
[   76.671888] 1fe0: 00000000 816fb000 41069265 00053177 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   76.683737] [<c04be0cc>] (sun6i_spi_handler) from [<c014c07c>] (__handle_irq_event_percpu+0x40/0x134)
[   76.696636] [<c014c07c>] (__handle_irq_event_percpu) from [<c014c198>] (handle_irq_event_percpu+0x28/0x7c)
[   76.709933] [<c014c198>] (handle_irq_event_percpu) from [<c014c214>] (handle_irq_event+0x28/0x3c)
[   76.722428] [<c014c214>] (handle_irq_event) from [<c014f9a0>] (handle_fasteoi_irq+0x90/0x140)
[   76.734548] [<c014f9a0>] (handle_fasteoi_irq) from [<c014b4bc>] (generic_handle_irq+0x30/0x44)
[   76.746735] [<c014b4bc>] (generic_handle_irq) from [<c014ba4c>] (__handle_domain_irq+0x48/0xa8)
[   76.758987] [<c014ba4c>] (__handle_domain_irq) from [<c03a3a4c>] (sun4i_handle_irq+0x3c/0x58)
[   76.771034] [<c03a3a4c>] (sun4i_handle_irq) from [<c0101208>] (__irq_svc+0x68/0x84)
[   76.782145] Exception stack(0xc0b01f18 to 0xc0b01f60)
[   76.789505] 1f00:                                                       00000000 0005317f
[   76.801026] 1f20: 0005217f 60000013 00000000 ffffe000 c0b03288 00000000 c0b2ab90 c0b032ac
[   76.812506] 1f40: c0b03228 c0a26a2c 600000d3 c0b01f68 c01085dc c01085d4 60000013 ffffffff
[   76.824036] [<c0101208>] (__irq_svc) from [<c01085d4>] (arch_cpu_idle+0x24/0x34)
[   76.834806] [<c01085d4>] (arch_cpu_idle) from [<c013a488>] (do_idle+0x124/0x218)
[   76.845566] [<c013a488>] (do_idle) from [<c013a81c>] (cpu_startup_entry+0xc/0x10)
[   76.856451] [<c013a81c>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<c0a00d18>] (start_kernel+0x3e4/0x498)
[   76.868021] Code: e5912020 e282e001 e3520000 1581e020 (15d22000)
[   76.876391] ---[ end trace 8beae2f9fca33c38 ]---
[   76.883279] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
[   76.891927] Rebooting in 5 seconds..
[   82.877008] Reboot failed -- System halted


楼主 #1 2022-12-11 21:44:33

注册时间: 2022-12-11
已发帖子: 3
积分: 3

Re: F1C200S ILI9341驱动移植后每隔一段时间报错



#2 2022-12-14 14:34:41

注册时间: 2018-12-13
已发帖子: 7
积分: 0.5

Re: F1C200S ILI9341驱动移植后每隔一段时间报错




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