
#1 Re: 全志 SOC » 玩转RT-Thread之荔枝派Nano(全志F1C100S) 新手上路 » 2020-02-24 21:36:02

U-Boot SPL 2018.01-07886-g9716979100-dirty (Mar 29 2018 - 19:56:32)
DRAM: 32 MiB
Trying to boot from sunxi SPI

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- RT -     Thread Operating System
/ | \     3.0.3 build Apr  5 2018
2006 - 2018 Copyright by rt-thread team
[SFUD]Warning: Read SFDP parameter header information failed. The gd25qxx is not support JEDEC SFDP.
[SFUD]Warning: This flash device is not found or not support.
[SFUD]Error: gd25qxx flash device is initialize fail.
ERROR: SPI flash probe failed by SPI device spi00.
[Flash](packages/EasyFlash/src/ef_env.c:144) ENV start address is 0x00000000, size is 1024 bytes.
[SFUD]Error: Flash address is out of bound.
[Flash](packages/EasyFlash/src/ef_env.c:768) Calculate ENV CRC32 number is 0x9E9F4976.
[SFUD]Error: Flash address is out of bound.
[Flash]Error: Erased ENV fault! Start address is 0x00000000, size is 112.
[Flash]EasyFlash V3.0.4 is initialize fail.
[Flash]You can get the latest version on https://github.com/armink/EasyFlash .
[Flash]ENV isn't initialize OK.
[Flash]ENV isn't initialize OK.
[Flash]ENV isn't initialize OK.
run application
begin read...
[SFUD]Error: Flash address is out of bound.
fw error...


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