
#2 Re: 硬件设计 KiCAD/Protel/DXP/PADS/ORCAD/EAGLE » 开源 EDA KiCad 文档及翻译贡献 » 2020-05-20 04:18:47

KICAD is developing rapidly, it has become possible to highlight circuits and align lengths of conductors

#3 Re: Nuvoton N32905/N32926/NUC972/N9H20/N9H26/N9H30 » NUC972,做一个工业控制HMI,请大家推荐GUI. » 2020-05-20 04:15:55

The very lightweight AFGUI, written in C, is easy to assemble from source and adapt your display, examples include widgets

#4 Re: Nuvoton N32905/N32926/NUC972/N9H20/N9H26/N9H30 » NUC972上继续填土 » 2020-05-20 04:10:58

How is the driver installed? Over insmod or modprobe?


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