
#1 Re: 全志 SOC » Widora Tiny200 的SPI Flash 只有128KB? » 2020-07-31 22:26:45

I got u-boot to work on that board from the 128MB NAND following the instructions on this repo:

It can successfully recognise the NAND.

The issue is that U-BOOT uses pins PE0 and PE1 as RX and TX, instead of PA2 and PA3. This means you cannot use the onboard USB to UART converter.

#4 Re: 全志 SOC » Widora Tiny200 的SPI Flash 只有128KB? » 2020-07-22 13:13:13

I also have the tiny200 with 128MB NAND and I ran into the same problem when trying to use sunxi-fel.
I made changes to sunxi-fel code to make sure the problem was it. I didn't get it to flash the NAND flash properly, but it can identify it correctly.


I uploaded the code to http://github.com/matheusrfdesign/sunxi-tools if anyone is interested in continuing the work.


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